27 September 2023

The tele-truth?

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Exciting news from India this week with its Government deciding the country’s TV stations must show at least 30 minutes of the Public Service at work every day, starting 1 March.

According to the nation’s Information and Broadcasting Ministry’s ‘request’ the local TV stations have to submit a monthly report each month showing the 15 hours of content they’ve run, with the nighttime between midnight and 6am not counting.

Foreign channels are exempted as are channels broadcasting mainly sports, devotional, spiritual and yoga content, the Ministry said.

“The theme for broadcasting should comprise content of national importance and of social relevance,” the Ministry said.

While the move might lead some lucky Indian public servants becoming TV stars, the Ministry does not explain whether the coverage is a) to record how excellent India’s public sector is at work or b) proof to the population that someone, somewhere is hard at work!

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In HOWLA we trust

A visit to PS-sssst’s ever-popular PS News prize now in which a creative creator creates a craving headline worth earning the ‘Headline Of the Week’s Ludicrous Award’ the acronymically award for winning an honoured HOWLA.

This week the joint winners of the HOWLA are the United States’ House of Representatives and its Senate where legislation was tabled to give the nation’s federal Government employees an average 8.7 per cent pay rise.

Declaring it as time for public servants to catch up on ‘years of lost wages’, the politicians pointed out their PS pays were 23% below their private section equivalents, making it hard to ‘recruit, hire and retain’ employees which was unfair to the people of the nation.

To make their point when promoting the payrise, the politicians entered their Bill for a HOWLA by naming it the ‘Federal Adjustment and Income Rates’ law, otherwise known as FAIR!

Congratulations to the US Houses on their award. It’s the first time a HOWLA has gone all the way to America, if not the first to come out!!

2023 formally opened

Christmas may be gone, Australia Day has also passed and the days of work are up and running again for another year, but the true beginning of each year in Australia’s public sectors is when PS News’s Rama Gaind unveils her first weekly giveaways which she has now done for the lucky year – so far – that calls itself 2023.

For those of us still in holiday mode, Rama has the book The Work of History: Writing for Stuart Macintyre by Peter Beilharz and Sian Supski up for grabs for next week and free double movie passes in each State, Territory and the APS to Sony Pictures’ latest film Missing which is due to hit the nation’s screens on 23 February.

As always, it’s free to play Rama’s Reviews and pocket a regular round of rich returns at no cost while at the same time enjoying her wise reading and movie reviews.

So, to formally welcome 2023 to the calendar, visit PS News’s ‘Book Reviews’ and ‘Movies’ and follow Rama’s red ‘WIN’ signs to give your luck an early run in so-far and so-lucky 2023.

The very best of luck to all who give it a go!

Open closed!

To Western Australia now where the Minister for Sport and Recreation has announced a review of the State’s Institute of Sport following some troublesome issues in women’s gymnastics over many years.

Anxious to assure the worried public that the reviewer to conduct the project will be thoroughly accessible, the Minister said “An open tender process is being used to help ensure transparency and accountability” inviting the public to visit the tender themselves to see how totally open the selection of the chosen reviewer is.

Making sure interested readers get to visit the right ‘tender’ the committed Minister even gave them a direct online link to the advertisement for the required reviewer.

“Information about this opportunity can be found at the Tenders WA website” the Minister assured all and everyone, even generously providing a ready-made online link to the ‘Tender’ for all to use and see. The Minister’s link was this one.

For readers keen to know where the open tender leads, it takes readers direct to a blank website page declaring: “This resource requires a valid login to access. Please sign in or register to continue.”

So much for ‘transparency and accountability’. No login, no access!

Fortunately for readers PS News has the direct address in its ‘PS News link’ that goes with the report.

Snap boxes

And finally, to South Australia where small boxes are being sprinkled around the country and suburbs to act as homes for native birds, possums and other animals to take the place of tree holes which have become very rare in the State’s many neighbourhoods.

Led by the environmental agency ‘Green Adelaide’, householders the State over are encouraged to hang a few boxes on their property to attract the wildlife and bring their gardens and backyards to a lifestyle that is a truly Life Style!

Marking the message in PS News’s coverage of the story a pygmy possum’s picture promotes the proposals with a peep (see above!).

And, as photographers go, some are more appropriate than others but for this program the photographers-that-be chose most appropriately.

The delightful picture above was taken by Elisa Sparrow.

Till next week….

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