27 September 2023

Mental as anything

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T’riffic news from the Australian Institute of Sport this week that it has partnered with a mental health organisation to help the nation’s highest performance athletes cope with their mental health.

Setting aside the problems thousands of hours running, swimming, jumping, weight lifting or practising a speeding sport might have on a person’s mental health, the Institute shows that even writing about it can lead to brain bending.

In its professionally published publication ‘Mental Health Audit Snapshot 2022’, under the heading ‘Good News’, the AIS itself struggles to avoid a small, but entertaining mental moment.

“The number of athletes accessing mental health treatment has increased from 38% in 2020 to 50% in 2022” the AIS declares deservedly.

“One in two athletes who responded have sought mental health treatment,” it says.

Strange that! One in two athletes respond at the same time 50% join in!

At least their mental arithmetic is healthy!

In books we charge

While on the subject of healthy superstars, PS News’s own leader of the crop, Rama Gaind’s ever-popular books, DVDs and movie tickets competitions make their 2023 debut this week with Rama offering two free copies of the book The Work of History: Writing for Stuart Macintyre, edited by Peter Beilharz and Sian Supski.

In Rama’s own wonderful words of wisdom: “The now-familiar carousel of prospects to snap up a gift is yours for the taking!”

“Giveaway opportunities will appear weekly for either movie tickets, books or DVDs/Blu-rays and – just repeating – there’s going to be something new to look out for every week, until the end of November 2023!”

So join in Rama’s convivial competitions which are free, friendly and first-rate since someone has to win them and it may as well be you.

Just flip over to this week’s ‘Book Reviews’ in PS News and follow the ‘WIN’ star.

As Rama would say: “What are you waiting for?”

“Join the throng of eager participants. Now is the time to get back your winning streak!”


Lex appeal

To the world of Lexophiles now where words are entered at their own insecurity and can often be seen receiving the treatment they deserve.

According to Lexophiles, writing with a broken pencil is pointless; complimentary batteries are given to people free of charge; a will is a dead giveaway; and when you’ve seen one shopping centre, you’ve seen a mall!

Could there be any lexophiles lurking among the highly educated ranks of public services and sectors around Australia?

If so, PS-sssst! would like to hear from you. Just send your lexophilosophists to [email protected] where they will be carefully attended to and might even earn their keeper a free prize.

Just pretend you’re a fish and join in debate!

The final word!

And finally, it might be holiday everywhere but that didn’t stop keen PS News subscriber lists in three States reach new heights.

Taking bows for their growth in January are the Queensland public service, the South Australian public service and the Western Australia public sector, each one of which ended the month with more wise readers of PS News than they’ve ever had before.

Congratulations to all, and indeed a pat on the back for everyone with PS News ending year 2022 with 13,629 more readers than it started with.

And just to mark such a dazzling achievement by our readers, we’ve celebrated the historic occasion by ending the last sentence for you with a preposition.

My goodness we’re bold!

Till next week…..

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Send to [email protected]

(And, yes, it can be anonymous!)

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