26 September 2023

In Philomena we trust

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A delighted and wonderful welcome now to the much-missed and recently retired representative of the Victorian Department of Health, the Phabulous Philomena S who entertained us so often with her capricious comedies that we haven’t let her go.

Admitting she appreciates her after-work lack of activities, Philomena has contributed the following amusements for our active pre-absences to keep her clever clowning coming:

“There’s a bike in town that keeps running me over,” Philomena complains: “it’s a vicious cycle!”

“I’m terrified of elevators,” she admits, “so much so I’m taking steps to avoid them!”

And sharing her literary side: “My reading research reveals that 6 out of 7 dwarfs weren’t happy!”

Thank you so much Philomena.

But don’t give up your day job!

Winning the Missing

To the wonder of weekly Ramaville now where the ever-generous Rama Gaind has given away to 18 lucky readers free double tickets to the new film ‘Missing’ simply by answering the quiz question: Who is Missing?

The answer is June’s mother Grace (Nia Long) who disappears while on a week-long holiday with her new boyfriend Kevin (Ken Leung) in Colombia.

Two winners from each of PS News’s State and Territory edition have snapped their freebies with the list Carol C, Johnathon N, Stacey H, Scott M, Bruce C, Suzanna A, Julie C, Jan B, Gwen T, Tom P, Lyn B, Phoebe M, Matt W, Voret C, Ian S, Mark U, Michael S and Rod M soon to receive their free tickets and enjoy the film.

For another chance to put your good luck to work, all you need to do is visit one or both of Rama’s reviews – the DVD The Old Way at this PS News link and/or her equally exciting Book The Briefest English Grammar and Punctuation Guide Ever! on this PS News link and then wait for the judge to do the judging.

Good luck to all and everyone who put theirs to work.

School holted

In a quiet week that didn’t deliver much in the way of entertainment for PS-sssst!, a play on words from many years ago floated to the top to deliver a little humour while the creative contributors go about their businesses producing good badinage that might be useful in a future edition.

The ancient story that came to life starts in a suburb of Canberra, named after a Prime Minister and arriving to the world under the name ‘Holt!’

Many years ago shortly after the Holt primary school was opened, its creative teachers took it upon themselves to call a contest among the suburb’s newly arrived suburbanites to come up with a bright new nickname for the school that might reflect something more educational than the name of a passed PM.

The winning nickname was something long forgotten but one of the contributions that entered the competition and could well have won the contest, lives on!

It was ‘Quo Vadis’, the Latin army call to strangers approaching a cavalry camp.

For the Canberra primary school it would have been perfect: ‘Holt! Who goes there?”

Ka Boom!

Name game

And finally, found taking place on our computer screen a week or two ago was an intriguing offer to sell PS News the email addresses of public service attendants attending an activity entitled ‘Australian Government Data Summit’.

Apparently there were 500 names available should PS News wish to buy them, with each one offering: ‘Client Name, Business Name, Title, Email Address, Phone Number and Web Address etc.”

As an organisation that conscientiously keeps the names and details of our public service readers carefully covert, it crossed our mind that our effort might be pointless if the ‘Client Name, Business Name, Title, Email Address, Phone Number and Web Address etc’ can be sold to anyone who wants them, why don’t we just sell them for a few hundred dollars.

Fear not however.

Each and every one of our 188,000 cherished PS News readers will remain secrets as we promised on day One 18 years ago.

We could do with a few extra dollars though!!!

Till next week….

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