26 September 2023

It’s a gas … statement!

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Another modest week of amusing active action on the PS front again, but PS-sssst! is pssssting on passionately, playfully prospecting for portions of propaganda to procure for the praiseworthy people of PS News.

Thank goodness for our creative craft comrades at the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) who reported the likely outcome of Australia’s natural gas industry as winter arrives.

“The risk of gas shortfalls each year from winter 2023 to 2026 in all southern jurisdictions remains under extreme weather conditions and periods of high gas-powered electricity generation with those risks further exacerbated if gas storage levels are insufficient,” the Chief Executive of AEMO said.

And what could it be that attracted PS-sssst! to quote something as meaningful as that when its usual interests are meaningless to say the least.

It’s AEMO’s ‘Gas Statement of Opportunities’ report that caught the PS-sssst!y eye, which AEMO abbreviates exactly as it appears without embarrassment, appeasement or acronymical apology.

AEMO refers to its Statement as GSOO!

Could it be that AEMO is a home for jolly GSOO fellows?

In heat we trust!

To Rama Gaind’s convivial competition now where it’s time for a lucky reader to become the proud owner of The Big Switch book by Saul Griffith which explores climate change and proposes options for beating it.

To be PS News’s winner, all we had to do was inform Rama with the temperature of global warming over pre-industrial levels most scientists warn the planet shouldn’t exceed.

The answer is 1.5ºC degrees and the first reader to greet the judge with that answer was Gwen T from the Queensland Department of Resources.

Congratulations to Gwen and thanks to everyone who took part in Rama’s Riddle of Riches, the winner’s winnings will be winging its way to its new whereabouts speedily.

For another week of gratis giveaways, all we have to do is play Rama’s giveaway game and send in your answer to one or both of her reviews of the DVD The Siege up for grabs at this PS News link and/or her Book An Ungrateful Instrument also up for grabs at this PS News link.

And jolly good luck to everyone who joins in the fun.

Philomena revisited

A happy revisit from our recently retired Philomena S now who may have left the Victorian Department of Health but hasn’t left PS-sssst!.

Always on the lookout for laughter and levity, Philomena has shared her sharpness with a couple of engineers, the pair of which had the task of measuring the height of a flagpole.

Unfortunately for the engineers they hadn’t brought a ladder with them and were working out their options when a woman walking by enquired as to what they were doing.

“We’re supposed to find the height of this flagpole,” one said, “but we don’t have a ladder.”

The woman immediately took pliers from her purse, loosened a couple of bolts, and laid the pole down on the ground.

She then took a tape measure out from her purse, took a measurement and announced, “7 metres” and walked away.

One engineer shook his head and laughed.

“A lot of good that does us,” he pointed out.

“We ask for the height and she gives us the length!”

And Philomena re-revisited

Till next week……

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