Energex and Ergon Energy Network have launched a joint appeal for drivers to slow down around work on roadside powerlines.
Executive General Manager, Operations at Energy Queensland, Paul Jordon said traffic controllers played a critical role in keeping power workers and the wider community safe, and people should always follow their directions.
“When our crews are working on the power network, they’re often working by the side of the road, so we use traffic control for the safety of everyone on and around these work sites, including the workers, drivers and pedestrians,” Mr Jordon said.
“It’s really important that you stop and go according to the signs and travel no faster than the recommended speed.”
He said most people did the right thing, but it took only one careless driver to cause a serious accident.
“With 1.7 million poles, 178,000 kilometres of overhead powerlines and 29,000 kilometres of underground cable, we have crews across the State to do routine maintenance and emergency repairs, so it is not unusual to come across powerline works in progress when you’re on the road,” Mr Jordon said.
“Everyone deserves to go home safe to their families and friends at the end of the day, so please consider the safety of our power workers and the traffic controllers who are supporting them when you are travelling through these zones.”
He said drivers should follow signs and speed limits for their own safety and everyone else’s.
Mr Jordon said Energex and Ergon Energy Network had launched a social media campaign to support the message.