26 September 2023

Road safety campaign lines up for holidays

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The Road Safety Commission has launched its new campaign No One Plans a Crash – Make Every Journey Safe just in time for the holidays.

The campaign follows two households — a family and a share house — as they go about their busy, everyday lives and set off on their seemingly unremarkable journeys.

Through 10 relatable scenarios, the campaign explores the idea that when we set off on our everyday journeys — to school, to work, to meet friends and family — we don’t plan to kill or injure ourselves or someone else.

This is because most of us consider ourselves safe, law-abiding drivers who don’t put ourselves in risky situations on the road.

No One Plans a Crash – Make Every Journey Safe highlights how the small, seemingly harmless decisions we make, either consciously or unconsciously, when driving, riding a motorcycle or eRideable, cycling or walking, can lead to a serious crash.

The campaign explores the concept that if we don’t consciously plan to make our journey safe, we might as well be planning an unsafe one.

In a statement, the Road Safety Commission said its research had been used to inform the campaign.

It said it found speed, inattention, fatigue and alcohol to be the most problematic when it came to risky behaviour on the roads.

“The everyday scenarios focus on how even a seemingly small act of risk-taking behaviour such as going a few kilometres over the speed limit or a quick check of your phone while driving can have a catastrophic outcome,” the Commission said.

The integrated campaign, which features local actors, also includes a life-sized art installation at Scarborough Beach.

The locally-made sculpture has been designed to start conversations about how to make every journey safe and people are encouraged visit Scarborough Beach to see the piece which will remain near the Amphitheatre for a week.

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