26 September 2023

Wide Word of sport

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In its never-ending quest for the questionable, PS-sssst! has turned its attention to the gaps in the English language this week, stumbling across a few worthy new words ripe for promotion into the verbal vernacular.

First aspiring applicant for elevation to the language is the word ‘Nonversation’ – the talk you have that contains nothing of interest or value to you.

‘Saddict’ is another: A person who can’t stop feeling sorry for him or herself.

‘Twiticule’: To rubbish someone via Twitter.

‘Destinesia’: Going somewhere and forgetting why when we get there.

‘Carcolepsy’: Falling asleep at the wheel.

And PS-ssst’s favourite:

‘Askhole’: Someone who won’t stop asking annoying questions.

Purchasing power

To the never ending enjoyment of engaging with acronyms now, the long arm of PS-sssst! reaches across the Tasman to our new-found friends in the NZ public sector where the lure of the creatively clever abstract acronym is just as contagious as it is in Aussie land.

With PSes all around the world busily calling tenders for unlimited numbers of goods and services, PS-sssst! has often viewed the PS procurement world as a largely clever-free zone, that is until it came across NZ’s wise and witty approach to the issue.

Declaring that the NZ PS is in the market for a flotilla of electric vehicles for its example-setting departments and agencies, the PS buyers-that-be directed potential suppliers to their ‘Government Electronic Tender Service’ cunningly acronymised as GETS.

And, as they say in the classics, as far as appropriate acronyms go, that’s as good as it gets!

Space oddity

And while on the subject of government tenders, who will ever forget the wise observation of the first man to circumnavigate the planet in space, the United State’s John Glenn, when asked how he felt risking his life in a 1960’s rocket.

“I felt exactly how you would feel if you were getting ready to launch and knew you were sitting on top of 2 million parts — all built by the lowest bidder on a government contract.”

Seemed to work though!

Live giveaway

To Rama’s weekly giveaway now in which another giveaway is given away, this time the witty and heart-warming book The Time is Now, Monica Sparrow by Matt Howard.

To be among Rama’s weekly winners, all we needed to do was tell her the name of the place Monica was marooned at, the answer to which was Neasden’.

The first three readers with the correct answer to scramble out of the PS News Barrel of Booty were Sammi W from the Department of Home Affairs, Shane C from the National Measurement Institute and Tracey L from the Australian Government Solicitor’s office.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who took part. The prize books will be on their way to their new owners very soon.

For another chance to be a winner with Rama simply follow this link and try your luck. It’s free, it’s easy and if you’re not in it you can’t win it.

Good luck to all who do.

Till next week……

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