25 September 2023

Walking track upgrades get kick along

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The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has invited public comment on proposed walking track upgrades in the Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek as well as the draft Light to Light Walk Strategy.

Executive Director at NPWS, Robert Quirk encouraged the community and stakeholders to have their say by making an online submission.

Mr Quirk said NPWS would host a series of community information days on 31 July, 1 August and 2 August.

“The project has been awarded $7.9 million funding by the Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund program,” Mr Quirk said.

“The draft documents propose an improved multi-day walking experience that will better manage environmental impacts, protect Aboriginal cultural heritage values and improve the track’s nature-based walking experience.”

Mr Quirk said the Draft Plan of Management amendment would be on display until 26 August at which time submissions would close.

He said NPWS would carefully consider community feedback and the outcomes of environmental and cultural assessments when any amendments are made to the Plan of Management and the Light to Light Walk Strategy.

More information as well as time and location details for the community information days can be found at this PS News link.

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