Learn strategic leadership skills and capability development for current and emerging SO-level leaders. Photo: File.
QLD Public Sector SO-Level High Performance & Leadership Workshop
Date: 28-29 November 2023
Location: 24/288 Edward St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
Time: 9:00 am-4:30 pm
Email: [email protected]
Overview: Strategic leadership skills and capability development for current and emerging SO-level leaders
- Understand the expectations and values of an SO-level leader
- Utilise heightened EQ to make effective, strategic decisions
- Diagnose and proactively manage complex business and economic challenges
- Create a leadership action plan to address your strategic challenges
Speaker: Michael Collins is one of the region’s leading talent, leadership and change experts with over 25 years of experience in roles spanning Australia, New Zealand and Asia. He is a trusted adviser, thought leader and seasoned practitioner in the field of leadership assessment and development, in particular he specialises in identifying and discovering high potential leaders, differentiating leadership talent, neuropsychology and organisational change.
Public Sector EL1-EL2 Leadership, Capability & Professional Excellence Masterclass
Date: 28-29 November 2023
Location: Canberra ACT
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Optimise your leadership for more senior and complex executive roles. Practical, engaging and hands-on, this comprehensive masterclass will optimise your professional performance and prepare you for the next stage of your career.
Specifically designed for EL1 & EL2 level roles and built around the core capabilities set out by the APSC, you will gain key tools to thrive as a senior public sector leader and to tackle your career with drive and resilience.
A proverbial ‘one-stop shop’ for professional and leadership development, this program has been thoughtfully designed to optimise your learning experience around your work week. You will leave feeling inspired, reenergized, and confident about your leadership and the path ahead.
Managing Psychosocial Risk
Date: 28-29 November 2023
Location: Online
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Practical strategies to create a healthy workplace & meet regulatory obligations. The prevalence and cost of poor mental health to organisations is increasing and has attracted global attention to better manage psychosocial factors. Psychosocial Risk Management is a critical strategy in establishing future organisational success in this current landscape. Since the Boland Review in 2018, efforts to elevate protection of psychological health to the same level as physical health have culminated in significant legislative and regulatory change. This includes the new codes of practice and duty of care released across various states for PCBUs to better manage the risk of psychosocial hazards at work and to provide workplaces that eliminate or minimise risks to mental ill-health as far as is reasonably practicable. It is, however, not as simple as inserting psychosocial hazards into traditional models established to manage risks to physical safety.
In this masterclass, we will explore practical approaches to implementing a Psychosocial Risk Management Framework which will not only allow your organisation to comply with legislative obligations, but genuinely improve the experience of all team members performing their work roles to optimise wellbeing and performance.
Facilitator Dr Fiona Brown is a registered psychologist and holds a Doctor of (Organisational/Industrial) Psychology. She has over 20 years of experience undertaking program development and research in workplace psychology. She is an experienced consultant and researcher who has undertaken companywide psychosocial risk assessments and written Mental Health Strategies to assist large organisations to meet their regulatory requirements.
Understanding the Impacts on Children of Coercive Control
Date: 4 December 2023
Location: Online
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
The lives and freedoms of victims are seriously limited. This seminar explores the impacts of coercive control on children, both before and after the survivor parent (most often the mother) has separated from the abusive parent (most often the father).
Firstly, we will address a systematic understanding of the nature of coercive control. This will include examining how coercive controllers usually continue their abuse for many years after the victim has ended the relationship, perpetrating post-separation coercive control.
We will then explore in depth the impacts on children: how coercive controllers use multiple tactics of abuse pre- and post-separation, and how every tactic harms the lives of the children in the family as well as the life of the adult victim-survivor.
Facilitator: Dr Emma Katz is the author of the book Coercive Control in Children’s and Mothers’ Lives (Oxford University Press, 2022), and the blog Decoding Coercive Control with Dr Emma Katz (2022–23), Dr Emma Katz, PhD, is a researcher in domestic violence and coercive control, whose work has influenced legislation and professional practice in the UK and globally.
Her book Coercive Control in Children’s and Mothers’ Lives is influential and acclaimed, as is her expert academic blog Decoding Coercive Control with Dr Emma Katz which is read by thousands of subscribers around the world.
Public Sector Mental Health & Resilience for Personal Wellbeing & Performance
Date: 4 December 2023
Location: Online
Time: 9:00 am-4:30 pm
Email: [email protected]
As we continue to adapt to disruptions, and feelings of stress and anxiety continue to rise, it has never been more critical that you possess the psychological skills to effectively manage your mental health and well-being.
Overview: Psychological skills training for professionals and teams.
- Understand the psychology of change, and how you respond to uncertainty in the Public Sector
- Explore its ongoing impact on the workplace, and in your personal life
- Understand the five key domains that influence your behaviour in social situations
- Establish a regular self-care routine for yourself, both in and out of work.
Speaker: Melissa Harries is a psychologist and specialist in developing proactive interventions that improve employee wellbeing, drawn from over a decade working with the Australian Army running a military mental health unit supporting a unit of 1200 soldiers. She is also the founder of the Parramatta Psychology Clinic, in 2012, and provides EAP counselling, where she specialises in Managing Mental Health in the Workplace and Adaptability.
Communicate with Influence & Impact
Date: 5 December 2023
Location: Canberra ACT
Time: 8:00 am–6:00 pm
Email: [email protected]
You cannot be effective in your role without being an effective communicator. Effective communication is like oxygen: it is the lifeforce of your relationships at work and at home. It is a vital skill if you want to influence others, achieve your goals and realise your full potential.
In this masterclass, we’ll break communication down to its fundamental building blocks, discover the science behind the process, the art behind the skill, and work through a practical framework to improve the effectiveness of your communication at every interaction so you connect more meaningfully with your stakeholders, increase your ability to influence and persuade, and set yourself up for greater success.
Facilitator: Catherine Hollyman firmly believes that every leader has a powerful contribution to make to the world. But they can’t do it alone. They need to connect with and influence their team, customers, suppliers, investors and networks to support them on the journey. And this requires effective leadership communication.
In fact, as the world leverages the power of technology, digital and social media, virtual reality, automation and AI, the power of — and need for — effective interpersonal communication skills grows stronger, especially for leaders.
Strategies to Manage Vicarious Trauma & Compassion Fatigue
Date: 5 December 2023
Location: Online
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Confronting stories and challenging presentations take a toll. People who are experiencing physical or emotional trauma, vulnerability or risk at work often leads to a variety of reactions including vicarious traumatisation, compassion fatigue, and burnout. The last few years have been undeniably tough with COVID escalating and compounding these experiences for all staff.
Action on vicarious trauma is of paramount importance to these organisations and their staff. Failing to embed vicarious trauma mitigation strategies, supervision or self-care for these workers can have a significant impact on their emotional wellbeing, their ability to effectively perform their jobs, their compassion for patients/clients, the quality of service delivery and their longevity in the role.
Impacts are often cumulative and, if unaddressed, affect emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing, personal relationships and professional capacity. Whether you are personally impacted in your work, or seeking to address the risks and realities of vicarious trauma for your organisation, this seminar will help to unpack, explore and offer strategies for what you can do differently today, and every day to actively reduce the emotional toll and build resilience.
Speaker: Naomi Halpern is trained as a social worker, but has also worked with children in short stay emergency care, homeless youth, and convicted offenders in government and non-government organisations, providing advocacy, psychosocial education, recreational opportunities, skills training, supervision and counselling.
Build your First Nations Cultural Capability
Date: 8 December 2023
Location: Online
Time: All day
Email: [email protected]
Gain the fundamentals of working with First Nations Australians. Australia is home to the oldest continuing living culture in the entire world, one that spans 60,000+ years into the present. The richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in Australia is something we should all take pride in as a nation. But how much do you know about this culture, its continuing traditional practices and the commitments that aboriginal people have to them? Do you know the obligations for attendance around sorry business or referring to people who have passed away?
Do you know what Aboriginal words, titles and slang you can use as an ally, and what you should avoid? If you work with, or have direct reports that are First Nations people, how do you know you’re not inadvertently making their life more difficult?
The Hatchery has partnered with seasoned executive leader and facilitator Lil Gordon to deliver a half-day online seminar intended to give you a strong foundation of knowledge about how to respectfully work with and engage First Nations people and their culture. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of Aboriginal perspectives and learn to apply skills that will improve your cultural capability in the workplace.
Facilitator: Lil Gordon, Ngemba Woman, says her passion is working alongside our communities in empowering Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to create their own destiny, to provide those opportunities to give us the best chance to be the very best we can with whatever we choose to do. Aboriginal education and training has been my main field along with effective and balanced leadership in building capability with Aboriginal people as well as building understanding and capacity with non-Aboriginal people to recognise their potential in the ‘bigger picture’.