Credit: eternalcreative
Heartwarming news from the national capital that eight of the Territory’s finest teachers have been honoured in the ACT’s Public Education Awards for making an outstanding contribution to local education.
According to the local Minister, the awards recognised outstanding principals, teachers, leaders in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, school support staff and volunteers.
“The ACT Public Education Awards demonstrate the excellence in our 88 public schools,” the creatively educated Minister announced.
Such a shame the Minister wasn’t at school the day they taught maths, or the award- winning teachers are so talented they can teach in 10 schools at a time!
Wordly wise
Regular PS-sssster!s will be well-aware that few things excite the head PS-sssster! more than the birth of a new word.
How excitement then when we stumble over two new members of the lexicon world, and get the chance to introduce them publicly to a word-loving world.
Stress sufferers amongst us will be familiar with the painfully stressful practice of dressing up the demon stress as a good thing on the basis that many people respond to it by lifting their game.
Well, PS-sssst! has encountered the word ‘Eustress’ which its user declares is the new in-word for ‘positive stress’ and the opposite of ‘distress’.
We’ll see!
On the second new-word front, a most creatively creative women’s libber has coined a great rejoinder to the belief that the word ‘lady’ is far too feminine to be applied to today’s female leaders who are often called on to perform very unladylike duties in their roles as leaders.
This creative lady writer has suggested that female leaders become known as ‘Leadies’ and the way they go about their business as ‘Leady-like.’
Looks good to PS-ssssst!
In any case, who can argue with it?
Giving it away
To Rama’s regular giveaway now in which three lucky readers have the chance to become proud owners of the full DVD set of the ninth series of the police drama Blue Bloods starring Tom Selleck.
The way to winnerdom is to let Rama know that we know the other series in which the talented Mr Selleck portrayed an equally morally upright character, the answer to which was Jesse Stone.
Luckily for three readers who had it right and whose entries managed to squeeze out of the PS News Barrel of Booty ahead of the rest: Kim L from the Federal Department Of Veterans’ Affairs, Mark H from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Maria D from Tasmania’s Department of State Growth.
Well done to all our winners and thanks to everyone who took part. The prize DVDs will be on their way to their new owners very soon.
For another chance to join Rama’s Army of wise winners this week she has two fabulous freebies to offer – one a much sought after book at this PS News link and the other 10 bound-to-be popular double passes to the movies in Canberra at this link.
Good luck to everyone who joins in, which is free, fun and you know you have to be in it to win it.
As a bonus, the infamously strict PS News privacy policy will make sure no-one will know it’s you who wins!
Good luck to all who take the plunge.
True love conquered
And finally, the sad tale of a loving couple’s careers coming between them so strongly that even true love wasn’t enough to deliver them an argument-free married life.
When Dan the dentist joined Mary the manicurist, it started out all smiles and a shining commitment.
It ended when they couldn’t stop themselves fighting tooth and nail!
Till next week……
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