26 September 2023

Tributes honoured to fallen firefighters

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Firefighters and communities across Queensland have come together to remember the firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk said firefighters courageously put their own safety at risk without hesitation to carry out their duties and keep Queenslanders safe.

“They respond to a variety of incidents, from bushfires to house fires, chemical leaks and technical rescues, continuously putting themselves in uncertain situations to serve this state,’’ Ms Palaszczuk said.

Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan said Queenslanders felt safer every day knowing that these brave firefighters were ready at all times to protect them, their homes, their businesses and their possessions.

“It is only fitting that we take a moment to remember those who have made the paid the ultimate price,’’ Mr Ryan said.

This year, four firefighters were added to the Honour Roll.

Firefighter Graham (Butch) Walker from Gillespie Fire Station who died on 15 November, 2011; Firefighter Albert Robson from Rockhampton Fire Station who died on 12 August, 1949.

Superintendent Charles Walsh from No. 2 Station, Teneriffe who died on 30 June, 1921 and Assistant Superintendent William Bouch from Central Fire Station who died on 11 November, 1891.

Since 1877, 59 Queensland firefighters have lost their lives on duty.

Acting Commissioner for Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Mike Wassing said each of the 59 names were read out in a roll call at the seven ceremonies across Queensland, with a minute’s silence to acknowledge the sacrifice they made.

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