26 September 2023

Support team for WA tourism industry

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A special team has been established at Tourism Western Australia to offer support to members of the tourism industry suffering during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The Industry Support Team includes members of Tourism WA’s stakeholder relations, public relations, markets, and destination development groups.

Minister for Tourism, Paul Papalia said the team would contact thousands of tourism operators to check how they were coping, help them navigate assistance packages and offer a friendly voice to talk through possible recovery ideas for when the time was right.

“These conversations will allow the State Government, through Tourism WA, to be informed of existing or emerging issues that may help guide possible future support or recovery initiatives,” Mr Papalia said.

“We know tourism operators are doing it tough at the moment, so we want them to know we’re here for them.”

He said team members would be listening, as well as helping where they could, with the challenges tourism operators were facing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our aim is to work closely together with tourism industry operators through this challenging time to try to ensure the recovery phase goes as well as possible,” Mr Papalia said.

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