26 September 2023

Stamp Month a family garden affair

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Australia Post has declared August Stamp Collecting Month with five stamps having the theme In the Garden.

Executive General Manager, Community and Consumer at Australia Post, Nicole Sheffield said the Month was an opportunity for the whole family to roll up its sleeves and have some fun with sustainable gardening projects.

“It’s the perfect opportunity to explore the outdoors and learn about composting, being water-wise, and plant and animal life cycles — we’re celebrating the simple things we can do, like going bird watching, planting veggies and adding food scraps to the worm farm,” Ms Sheffield said.

“The five stamps are set in a suburban garden in a temperate climate and feature native trees, shrubs and groundcover plants that don’t require much water and attract helpful birds and insects.”

Ambassador for Stamp Collecting Month, restaurateur Stephanie Alexander said this year’s theme was a good pointer for younger Australians.

“It’s vital that we educate that next generation on practical ways to support their own health and that of the environment, and doing so through fun and engaging programs like Stamp Collecting Month brings it to life for them,” Ms Alexander said.

“The sustainable gardening theme provides students and teachers across the country with the opportunity to learn more about environmental sustainability, kitchen and edible gardening, plant and animal life cycles, and biodiversity.”

The stamps were designed by illustrator Andrew Hopgood, who has illustrated a number of children’s books focused on sustainability and the environment.

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