26 September 2023

Return to class OK on Year 12 timetable

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The Education Directorate has announced that Year 12 students can return to face-to-face learning from the start of Term 4 (5 October).

In a statement, the Directorate said all Year 12 students, teachers and school staff would have the opportunity for priority vaccination before they returned to campus.

The Directorate said Year 11 students were set to return to on-campus learning from the third week of the Term (18 October) if health conditions allowed.

“This will allow them to complete course work and assessments that contribute to their senior secondary certificate,” it said.

“At this stage, based on the advice of the ACT Chief Health Officer, ACT students from preschool to Year 10 will continue remote learning for at least the first four weeks of Term 4,” it said.

“We have seen through the current outbreak the potential for the Delta variant to spread through school-aged children.”

The Directorate said that over the school holidays, it would work to develop further plans for a phased return to on-campus learning in Term 4, with any plans to be subject to health advice.

“Taking a staggered approach to returning to school gives us a chance to respond if circumstances change,” it said.

“Importantly, all schools will remain open for vulnerable students and for families who can’t have their children at home because of their work.”

The Directorate said specialist schools would also remain open for their students.

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