26 September 2023

Regulator guides way to low power bills

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The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has launched an improved website aimed at helping people get a better deal for their energy dollars.

Chair of the AER, Clare Savage (pictured) said the Regulator’s Energy Made Easy price comparator website would assist consumers conscious of their bills and looking for ways to save.

“While there are protections in place for Australian households and small businesses who are having trouble paying their energy bills, it’s also important to shop around and get the best deal,” Ms Savage said.

“In 2019, over one million Australians visited our Energy Made Easy website to compare energy plans and to make informed energy choices.”

She said the AER had now enhanced the website’s capability to make comparing energy deals easier than before,

This included the ability for consumers to search for energy plans using their energy meter data or by uploading a bill; a full website translation into 33 different languages; and retailer solar feed-in credits which could now be included in estimated plan costs.

Ms Savage said the AER partnered with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Data61 to develop a new algorithm that performed all of the estimated cost calculations for plans in Energy Made Easy.

“A connection with the innovative Consumer Data Portal developed by the Australian Energy Market Operator is also pivotal to the new energy meter data search option,” she said.

“The redevelopment was informed by our consumer and industry reference groups, as well as behavioural insights research and user experience testing.”

Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor said that now more than ever Australian families and small businesses were conscious of their energy bills with COVID-19 forcing more Australians to be at home.

“There’s never been a more important time to reduce your energy costs and shop around for a better deal on your electricity and gas,” Mr Taylor said.

The AER’s Energy Made Easy website can be accessed direct at this PS News link.

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