25 September 2023

Police pay out on money scam

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An increase in reports of online scams has prompted ACT Policing to issue a new warning.

Crime Manager Targeting at ACT Policing, Detective Station Sergeant Harry Hains said the public should be vigilant when receiving emails requesting money transfers.

“If you work for an institution where you liaise with clients via email to request funds, be aware that their computers, phones and email may have been hacked through the use of malware,” Station Sergeant Hains said.

He said scammers targeted people by sending an email from a known address that had been hacked; clients were notified of a change in bank account details for money transfers, and requested to send outstanding invoices to the new account.

“If you get an email from someone you know requesting money, call them on the number you already have to verify the legitimacy of the request and verbally confirm their banking details,” Station Sergeant Hains said.

He said scams could impact anyone of any age or circumstance.

“This is a timely reminder to ensure that family and friends are aware that email scams can target anyone.”

He said that once a sum of money was transferred it was difficult to track the funds and have them returned.

Station Sergeant Hains urged anyone with information in relation to these types of incidents to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website at act.crimestoppers.com.au.

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