26 September 2023

Police enlist survey to find what people want

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Victoria Police is embarking on a major effort to hear what Victorians want from police, launching a community sentiment survey covering every local government area within the State.

Opening its Annual Victoria Police Community Sentiment Survey – 2022 for feedback, Victoria Police said it was seeking information about the community’s safety concerns, engagement preferences and experiences of police in local areas.

“As part of the Neighbourhood Policing Framework, Victoria Police is focused on being agile, responsive and visible in addressing the community’s needs,” Victoria Police said.

“To target our services to the issues important to the community, we need to hear from you,” it said.

“The Survey will gauge how safe people feel, their ideas to improve safety, how they want to engage with police and how comfortable they feel approaching police and Protective Services Officers (PSOs).”

Victoria Police said the Survey, open until 30 April, would give members of the public a voice in its service delivery.

“Your responses will help Victoria Police target its work to your needs,” it said.

“If you live, work or socialise in Victoria, please complete the Survey.”

It asked people who spent time in different areas of the State to consider completing the Survey for each area.

Victoria Police assured people that all Survey respondents would remain anonymous, “we are not seeking any identifying information”.

“Any personal information you choose to provide is collected and handled under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014,” it said.

Victoria Police’s annual Survey can be accessed at this PS News link.

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