27 September 2023

Planners go to town in Gungahlin

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Planning proposals for the Gungahlin Town Centre have been updated to guide the growth and development of the area in coming years.

Announcing the move, Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman said the town centre had grown significantly, with new residential and commercial developments as well as the light rail getting under way soon.

“This growth is set to continue,” Mr Gentleman said.

“By 2028 the population of the Gungahlin district is expected to be about 106,000 people — 31,000 more people than now.

“The town centre will see much of this growth, both in number of residents as well as employment and economic activity,”

He said the growth was already being catered for with upgrades to infrastructure, including Light Rail Stage One, major road duplications and a new shared zone on Hibberson Street.

“However, the strong growth also meant we needed to review the planning approach to the town centre to ensure it can cater for it,” Mr Gentleman said.

He said planning controls in the town centre had been updated, involving building heights and the location of residential uses, as well as proposals for public spaces and active travel improvements.

“The ACT Government has considered community and industry feedback, including comments on building heights and character, upgrades to public spaces and improvements to active travel networks,” Mr Gentleman said.

“I am also issuing an engagement report that provides a summary of community input and comments that the Government heard throughout the process.”

The Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Refresh can be accessed at this PS News link.

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