The University of Canberra Hospital (UCH) in Belconnen has welcomed its first patients.
Minister for Mental Health and Acting Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Shane Rattenbury said the patients were the first to experience the new model of care that brought all the services they needed under one roof.
The hospital specialises in rehabilitation, mental health care and recovery.
“Moving these services into a modern, dedicated facility from seven different locations across the ACT will provide better care and support, streamline appointments and save patient travel time,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“UCH delivers the best possible healing environment, away from the acute setting of a hospital.”
He said the specialised services at the Hospital supported Canberrans through their recovery with individually tailored care and programs for both overnight and day patients.
“Rehabilitation and mental health services from Canberra Hospital, Calvary and the Brian Hennessy Rehabilitation Centre are now located at UCH and there will be more than 300 ACT Health staff working there,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“UCH is an important part of the evolution of our public health system, which will continue as our city grows and our community continues to grow older.”
The Minister said the new facility — focusing solely on rehabilitation services and support for people with neurological conditions, recovering from surgery, or with mental health conditions — would go a long way to meeting Canberra’s current and future demands.