26 September 2023

New practice guide for multicultural communities

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The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) has launched a new guide to help improve communication and engagement with multicultural communities in Victoria.

Launching its Better practice guide for multicultural communications, DFFH said multicultural communities had diverse needs that traditional communications did not always meet.

It said more than 1.7 million Victorians speak a language other than English at home, and multicultural communities make significant social, cultural and economic contributions to the success of Victoria.

The Department said if this audience was not reached, many Victorians may not access the service and information they need to take part in society.

“We have created the Better practice guide for multicultural communications to help improve communication and engagement with multicultural communities in Victoria,” DFFH said.

“This guide includes two principles for improving communications,” it said.

“It explains different ways to communicate, depending on your organisation’s capacity.”

DFFH said the guide also includes examples of good practice multicultural communications.

“This is a ‘better practice guide’, not a ‘best practice guide’,” it said.

“We recognise that there is always room for improvement and that achieving ‘best practice’ may not be possible for everyone.

“This guide aims to give you the next step you can take towards better communication.”

DFFH’s 31-page guide can be downloaded at this PS News link.

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