25 September 2023

New jobs plan to target veterans

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The Department of Veterans’ Affairs is to roll out an initiative for connecting ex-service men and women across Australia with more job opportunities.

The new Veterans Employment Commitment will be introduced to businesses wanting to benefit from the skills and experience of Australia’s veterans.

Announcing the initiative, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Darren Chester said there was enormous respect for the service of veterans.

“We want to translate Australia’s culture of respect for veterans into action,” Mr Chester said.

“Simply put, hiring a veteran is good for business.

“The Veterans Employment Commitment will clearly identify businesses that provide career opportunities to veterans, that upskill and mentor them and that are focused on how to retain them.”

He said businesses that signed the commitment would be listed on the official veteransemployment.gov.au website, have their details shared with veterans looking for work and be able to use the commitment’s logo to advertise their support.

“The Department of Veterans’ Affairs will ensure businesses meet their obligations set out in the commitment and businesses will be asked to recommit every two years,” Mr Chester said.

Supporting the initiative, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said employers across the country were hunting for the sorts of skills and experience service men and women gained through their service.

“Our Government has heard the calls to help our ex-service men and women when they transition from the armed forces into the private and public workforces,” Mr Morrison said.

“By connecting veterans to employers through this initiative we can make the transition that bit easier.”

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