26 September 2023

New handbook hooks into climate change

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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has launched a new handbook aimed at helping Australian fisheries cope with climate change.

The CSIRO said the Adaptation of Fisheries Management to Climate Change Handbook, presented to the World Fisheries Congress in Adelaide on 21 September, would help fisheries managers and operators identify effective responses to climate change by working through an evidence-based process.

It said the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) also contributed to the Handbook’s production.

Researcher at the CSIRO and lead author of the Handbook, Beth Fulton said Australia’s marine environment was changing faster than ever, leading to a complex set of challenges for the fishing industry, including on ecosystems, fish biology, operations, infrastructure and safety.

“Our science shows that many marine species, including fished species, are facing threats due to climate change, like changes to water temperatures, ocean chemistry or habitat distribution,” Dr Fulton said.

“The combined pressures of climate change mean that fisheries are likely to become more variable, affecting when, where and how many fish are caught.”

She said the Handbook was developed through collaboration between fisheries researchers, managers and operators to create a process that used the best available information to explore adaptation options and determine which could be the most feasible and effective.

Chief Executive Officer of the AFMA, Wez Norris said the Handbook was designed to be used by industry, management and other fisheries stakeholders to establish a shared understanding of climate risks and develop robust adaptive management options.

“Fisheries managers want to know how climate change affects aspects of management, like sustainable catch limits, fishing rules, or the methods and gear used,” Mr Norris said.

“The Handbook provides a logical step-by-step process for exploring these questions and will greatly assist us in working through these issues with industry,” he said.

The 98-page Handbook can be accessed at this PS News link.

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