Plans for 20 new footpaths as well as road safety improvements across the Territory have been announced by the Minister for Roads and Active Travel, Chris Steel.
Mr Steel said the projects were part of path and road safety upgrades included in a program to fast-track small scale infrastructure projects as a way of supporting the construction industry during the pandemic.
“These are projects, identified by the community, that were originally planned to be built over a period of years,” Mr Steel said.
“Now we’re building them over a period of months to create jobs at time we need them most,” he said.
“This latest list of path projects that will be built under the program, will see upgrades from Nicholls in the North through to Isabella Plains in the South.”
Mr Steel said improvements ranged from widening existing paths, completing missing links in the network and providing better access to key locations including schools and bus stops.
“More than 20 path projects have now been announced, with over six kilometres being added to our community path network,” he said.
He said a number of road safety upgrades would also be completed, including pedestrian crossings and refuges, speed humps and signage at Belconnen, Deakin, Oxley and Weston.