25 September 2023

New courtrooms set high benchmark

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Stage 1 of the update of the ACT’s Courts is now officially complete.

Attorney-General, Gordon Ramsay said this brought the ACT’s criminal justice system into the 21st century.

“The new facilities will help deliver a more timely, transparent, and accessible justice system, which is especially important as Canberra’s population continues to grow,” Mr Ramsay said.

“Stage 1 of the ACT Courts project features six new courtrooms, chambers, a library, a new public entry and contemporary jury facilities designed to maximise comfort during court deliberations.”

He said new technology was a major feature of the new court facilities, with all courts equipped with state-of-the-art systems that allowed multimedia evidence to be broadcast to all participants and the public gallery simultaneously.

“Another unique design characteristic is the continuity of natural light throughout the new precinct. The building also features a new dedicated remote witness zone with seven new video conference suites and waiting areas, for comfort, privacy and safety of those giving evidence,” Mr Ramsay said.

“Work will continue in the new entry area over the next few months to refurbish the public lobby of the old Magistrates Court. However, this will not impact on the move of the Supreme Court into the new facilities.”

He said two feature artworks would be installed next month, with further work to be done around the façade, and landscaping to be completed around the court precinct.

The update is expected to cost around $160 million.

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