A further 100 jobs in the ACT Public Service are to be made available for unemployed Canberrans with the expansion of the Jobs for Canberrans Fund.
Announced by the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD), the fund has been expanded to $28 million and is set to support almost 500 Canberra households.
“These jobs are targeted at Canberrans who lost their job due to COVID-19 and are ineligible for the Commonwealth’s Jobkeeper program,” the Directorate said.
“Including people who previously relied on casual employment, international visa holders and international students,” it said.
“So far Canberrans have been employed to undertake a wide range of important duties including cleaning our schools, maintaining our public places and restoring our bushfire damaged regions.”
The Directorate said Access Canberra also welcomed 17 new team members.
“They are supporting our Canberra community by answering calls in the Contact Centre, including on the COVID-19 Helpline, supporting Service Centres, as well as processing transactions,” it said.
CMTEDD said the new roles under the Fund would be finalised over the coming weeks and made available online via the Territory’s Casual Jobs Register.
Further information, including how to sign up for notifications when new jobs become available, can be accessed at this PS News link.