26 September 2023

Health studies find Canberrans more resilient

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The resilience of Canberrans is being celebrated as the result of two joint ACT Health and University of NSW studies which found that older Territorians proved to be emotionally resilient following the 2019/20 bushfires.

Welcoming the results, the Minister for Mental Health, Emma Davidson said the reports examined the mental health and wellbeing of over 1,000 people aged between 59-87 from Canberra and the surrounding regions during the 2020 bushfire season.

“They found that while people reported their mental health worsening during the bushfire period, their mental health and wellbeing quickly returned to pre-disaster levels after the bushfires,” Ms Davidson said.

“Those who did experience poorer mental health outcomes during the bushfires, such as people directly exposed to the fires, still scored on the lower range of mental distress.”

She said the reports highlighted the importance of Canberrans looking after their wellbeing during stressful events.

“While it is encouraging to see the positive results in these reports for older Canberrans, I cannot overstate how living through a natural disaster, even when you’re not directly affected by it, can have a severe impact on your physical and mental health,” the Minister said.

“Following a bushfire event, people are at higher risk of depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse and reduced lung function,” she said.

“I encourage anyone who is struggling during this time, whether it be from memories of the 2003 bushfire anniversary, or for any other reasons, to reach out to local support services.”

Ms Davidson said the studies also found that women were more likely to experience negative mental health outcomes because of the bushfires; the bushfires led participants to appreciate what and who they had in their lives, as well as those who helped people in need; and feeling prepared for natural disasters was associated with better mental and social health outcomes following the bushfires.

ACT Health’s 27-page Older Adults’ Experiences During the 2019-2020 Bushfires report can be accessed at this PS News link and its 40-page Impact of 2019-20 Bushfires on a Cohort of Older Adults report at this link.

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