A satisfyingly creative response to last week’s call for suggestions to replace ‘digital’ in job descriptions as the international trend to dump digits gathers a thumbs down .
Christiaan O of Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services led the local finger-pointing suggesting any replacement title be linked to its task.
“If we are moving away from Chief Digital Officer, there is no harm in spelling out the role purpose” Christiaan commented.
“How about Director of Electronic Interface Customer Experiences or DE-ICE!”
Very good, Chrstiaan. Well done!
And for ‘J’ Anonymous of no fixed PS abode, the likelihood that digital is to take a dive could see it replaced by titles incorporating uch names as AI, cyber, robotics or “wherever the next technical developments take us!”
His response was far more creative however.
“I’d replace ‘Digital’ with ‘Chief Patronising Male Hipster Officer’ or to keep it simple, ‘Chief Beard’,” J jested.
Well done again.
Fabulous book prizes in prized PS-sssst! Packs on the way to Christiaan and ‘J’ anyday now.
Hair we go!

And then there was the gentleman public servant who left tropical Queensland to join the Australian Antarctic Division, only be confronted by his own personally challenging climate change.
“At first I didn’t like my beard,” the shivering sun lover admitted.
“Then it grew on me!”
Oh dear!
Giving away giveaways
To Rama Gaind’s seasonal swan song for 2019 now with the last of her gratuitous giveaways for the year, taking the form of two free DVDs of Hobbs and Shaw’s runaway spin-off Fast and Furious starring Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson and Idris Elba.
To join the final winners of Rama’s year, all we needed do was answer her quiz question by naming the name of the story’s population-decimating virus, which was, of course ‘Snowflake’.
And the competition’s first two competitors to escape from the infamous PS News Barrel of Booty with the correct answer were Janice G from Queensland’s Workplace Health and Safety and Chris A from the ACT Government’s Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate.
Congratulations to Janice and Chris, your new free DVDs will be on their way very soon.
And a big thankyou to everyone who took part in this week’s competitions and all Rama’s competitions all through the year.
Until next year!
Free and easy
And while we’re sayonara-ing PS News’s giveaway queen Rama for the summer holidays, it’s most impressive to point out the extraordinary contribution she has made to the bookcases, DVD collections and movie-going experiences of her large and largesse-graced army of followers over the past year.
In a giveaway season that stretched from February to today – without missing one week the benevolently bounteous Rama managed to enrich the bookshelves of 34 very grateful PS News readers, send 27 others to the movies with double passes and enrich the DVD collections of more than 80 fun-loving competition winners.
With the total value of prizes nudging $4,000, Rama can claim to have put her money where her giveaway is, making Public Services the nation over, better places to work in.
And while the end of the 2019 giveaway season is the bad news, Rama’s commitment to be back for another season of fruitful fun and freebies in 2020 is the good news.
For the records

And finally, as 2019 gears up to hand over to a new year, six of PS News’s nine editions end the year recording record subscriber lists for 2019, with three shooting past milestones for the first time.
Most impressive percentage performer was the Northern Territory PS which added a healthy 12.8 per cent of new subscribers to its list, skipping past the 1,100 level for the first time and settling on 1,144 cherished readers at the end of November.
Also breaking new ground were the Victorian Public Service that vaulted over 25,000 for the first time to settle on 25,135 and the ACT which left the 13,000 height behind it, coming in at the end of November on 13,568.
Other record breakers for the year were the Queensland PS whose 15,620 was a year-long peak; the Western Australian PS that hit 13,851 for the first time in 2019; and the South Australian PS who scored 9,877 as its annual top.
All in all another great year for all – PS News’s 14th – as we look with great excitement for an even greater year ahead.
And for those with eyes still on this year, PS News’ final edition for 2019 will come out in the week commencing 16 December for the traditional PS closedown. We return 20 January.
Until next week……..
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