26 September 2023

Health Agency gives life to innovation

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The Australian Digital Health Agency has launched an Innovation Challenge seeking submissions from the Australian digital health, engineering and biomedical industry to support the national COVID-19 effort.

The Agency’s initiative also seeks to champion digital health innovation across Australia.

In a statement, the Agency said the Innovation Challenge would broadly cover three key themes.

These would be: digital clinical care; digital social care; and digital health population management and future preparedness.

The Agency said successful applicants would receive funding of up to $50,000 to help businesses demonstrate their solution and develop an implementation plan in collaboration.

“Australia has a track record of innovation and scientific achievement in healthcare and a priority in Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy is to support a thriving digital health industry delivering world-class innovation,” the Agency said.

“There is no better time for the Australian Government to fund our innovators by holding a competition to solve the most pressing problems facing the health system and our community.”

Applications for the Innovation Challenge close on Sunday (10 May).

Established in 2016 as a Statutory Authority, the Australian Digital Health Agency is responsible for national digital health services and systems, with a focus on engagement, innovation and clinical quality and safety.

It aims to put data and technology safely to work for patients, consumers and the healthcare professionals who look after them.

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