26 September 2023

Firies heat up over dangerous winter risks

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ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R) is urging the community to ensure their homes are fire safe as Canberrans attempt to keep themselves warm this winter.

ACTF&R Chief Officer Matthew Mavity reminded the community not to be complacent when it comes to fires in the home and understand the deadly risks associated with common appliances.

“Unfortunately, our members here at ACTF&R have seen far too often the tragic consequences that commonly used household items have on homes and occupants,” CO Mavity said.

“A fire in your home this winter is preventable,” he said.

“I encourage the Canberra community to take some time with their household to create a home fire escape plan, check that their smoke alarms are working and have a fire extinguisher or blanket on standby and understand how to use them.

“Having these things in place could be what saves you from a potential disaster in your home.”

Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Mick Gentleman said the key to fire safety was to be prepared for any emergency that may arise in the home.

“Canberra is one of the coldest cities in the nation,” Mr Gentleman said.

“That means more of us start to use devices to help keep ourselves warm such as heaters, electric blankets and fire pits,” he said.

“Although these devices are useful, they can cause major fire risk in our homes if not used properly.”

Mr Gentleman said it was paramount for Canberrans to ensure they could keep warm while keeping their homes and families safe.

He advised people to always keep an eye on their devices when in use and turn them off before falling asleep or leaving the house.

“A fire in the home can start and spread quickly causing major damage and potential loss of life,” the Minister said.

“I encourage Canberrans to play their part in keeping both themselves and the community safe by making smart decisions this winter.”

Further information on home fire safety can be accessed at this PS News link.

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