25 September 2023

Defence ties ties with Switzerland

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A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Australia and Switzerland aimed at strengthening defence materiel and industry cooperation.

Minister for Defence, Christopher Pyne and the Ambassador of Switzerland in Australia, Pedro Zwahlen signed the MoU, which will facilitate cooperation between Defence industries in the two countries.

The MoU recognised the fundamental importance of a sovereign Defence industry in developing and maintaining Defence capability.

Mr Pyne said the MoU would be a central element of Australia and Switzerland’s Defence materiel and industry relationship and would deliver long-term tangible benefits to both countries’ Defence capabilities.

“The MoU will allow us to identify opportunities for collaboration, support Defence equipment transfers and sharing of information,” Mr Pyne said.

“The joint declaration reflects the mutual commitment of Australia and Switzerland to deepen our friendship as well as our dedication to increased bilateral Defence materiel and industry cooperation to the benefit of both countries.”

He said Australia and Switzerland already shared a long and productive history, and he looked forward to strengthening the relationship as it involved Defence materiel cooperation, sustainment and capability development.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) said that Australia and Switzerland enjoyed an increasingly dynamic relationship based on shared political and economic interests, which is supported by regular high-level dialogue.

“A key element of contemporary ties is Switzerland’s significant investment in Australia,” DFAT said.

“There is expanding cooperation in the areas of scientific research and development, education and two-way investment,” the Department said.

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