Heart-warming news from the national capital this week with the Canberra City Renewal Authority calling on locals to forget that winter has arrived and get out into the fresh air for a run of ice-skating on a special open air rink set up in the city for the purpose.
Labelled ‘Wintervention’, the annual event proves popular with the freezing population, egged on by the Chief Executive of the Authority pointing out the uniqueness of the skating arena compared with other cities.
“No other mainland city around the country has a winter like Canberra,” the enthusiastic CEO declares.
And he should know!
The Chief Executive of the Authority is one Malcolm Snow!
Rain game
And while in the frame for frivolity and flippancy, another whimsical contribution has been forwarded from the facetiously funny Philomena S of Victoria’s Department of Families, Fairness and Housing for our fun and frolicking.
“Why is England the wettest country on the planet,” the fun-loving Philomena asks.
“Because so many kings and queens have reigned there,” she discloses.
Thanks Philomena.
Don’t call us. We’ll call you.
Friendly reading
Taking our weekly dive into Rama Gaind’s giveaway goodies pool now in which some lucky PS News readers stand to win a free book with the very bound-to-be useful advice: How to Break Up with Friends written by Dr Hannah Korrel.
So, for those of us wanting to know how to break up with our friends, all we needed to do was tell our good friend (for the moment anyway!) Rama the correct name of the book’s friend-loving publisher.
The answer was ‘Impact Press’ and the two lucky readers whose correct entries decamped first from PS-sssst’s infamous Barrel of Booty were those from Maria B from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, and Melie P from the Federal Department of Social Services.
Congratulations Maria and Melie and thanks to everyone who took part in Rama’s romp. The prize books will be on their way to their winners very soon.
For another chance to join the rows of Rama winners simply follow the links to her latest pair of freebie windfalls and send in a right answer. Her current offerings are the Book A Well Mind at this PS News link and her DVD Vanquish at this link.
Good luck to all who do.
Happy linking!
And finally, rusted on readers of PS News will have noticed the ‘PS News links’ at the bottom of many stories and news items, linking the inquisitive reader with the original source of the story or extra information on the subject being reported.
While the vast majority of readers are happy to accept PS News’s report as close enough for their information, a small number of links have proven very attractive and attracted ‘linkers’ in the hundreds.
For the information of readers, the top five in the past few months are:
Commonwealth Ombudsman tells APS staff how to apologise (link here); Victoria introduces a new VPS workforce policy (here); Queensland’s new program to de-stress the PS workplace (here) ; Pandemic influencing NSW babies names (here); New resources for PS finances in WA (here).
Happy linking to all!
Until next week….
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