26 September 2023

Coins slot in to make Australia’s story

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The Royal Australian Mint has joined forces with Australia Post to launch a new set of collectable $1 coins which tell the history of Australia in 26 editions spanning the alphabet from A-to-Z.

Launching the Great Aussie Coin Hunt, Executive General Manager, Community and Consumer at Australia Post, Nicole Sheffield said the program was designed to be fun for all ages.

“It creates an iconic reflection of Aussie life through an appealing A-to-Z set of specially-themed $1 coins, starting (of course) with A for Australia Post,” Ms Sheffield said.

“The hunt begins with the release of the first six coins, featuring A for Australia Post, F for footy, I for Iced VoVo, M for meat pie, S for Surf Life Saving and X for the tiny township of Xantippe.”

She said new coins would then be released each Monday until 21 October to complete the full set of 26, all the way up to Z for Zooper Dooper.

“Everyone can join in the hunt by going into any one of the 3,600 participating Post Offices, making a purchase and receiving the $1 collectable coins in their change,” Ms Sheffield said.

“By collecting the entire set of 26, hunt enthusiasts will secure their own special slice of Australian history.”

She hoped everyone would get involved.

“It’s a great way for grandparents to connect with grandchildren, and for all of us to share our own experiences and memories with each other — both here and with friends and family overseas,” Ms Sheffield said.

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