26 September 2023

Bus to deliver Christmas to the needy

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Transport Canberra is calling on people to pack a bus this holiday season to help kids and families in need.

In a statement, the Directorate said its Pack the Bus initiative would be hitting the road on Monday (6 December) for two weeks to collect toys and essential food items “because everyone deserves a Christmas”.

“The Transport Canberra bus will be hard to miss with its festive wrap of presents, Santa and, of course, some local kangaroos to help pull the sleigh,” the Directorate said.

“(It) will be driving around the region to collect much-needed items for those in need this holiday season,” it said.

“Santa and his helpers will collect donated goods from registered workplaces, retail outlets and schools every weekday over the two-week period between 9am-3pm.”

The Directorate said items would be collected and then distributed through local charity organisation Communities@Work.

Director of Social Programs and Volunteering at Communities@Work, Ruth Zanker said the organisation was very excited to be partnering with Transport Canberra and MIX 106.3 on their 2021 Christmas Appeal.

“Working together with the Canberra community to make a real difference in people’s lives is the heart of what Communities@Work does,” Ms Zanker.

“Last year, we had over 70 organisations join our appeal and set up Giving Trees to collect food and gift donations on our behalf,” she said.

“This year, with the support of MIX 106.3 and Transport Canberra through their Pack the Bus initiative, we’ll be able to help hundreds more individuals and families in need.”

Ms Zanker said people should not underestimate the positive impact that generosity had on someone who was worried about how to make ends meet, or how to tell their children they would not have a gift this Christmas.

Pack the Bus is a fantastic initiative,” she said.

“We can’t wait to see it out on the Canberra streets,” Ms Zanker said.

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