26 September 2023

Acton waterfront open for public ideas

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The City Renewal Authority is to collect additional feedback from the community on the transformation of the Acton Waterfront as it progresses designs for the new park.

Announcing a new round of engagement work, the Authority said the Acton Waterfront park would be situated adjacent to the boardwalk, on land reclaimed from Lake Burley Griffin.

“The Authority is undertaking further community and stakeholder engagement to understand the aspirations and needs for the new Acton Waterfront park,” the Authority said.

“The phased engagement seeks to test and refine concepts and ideas as the Acton Waterfront park design develops,” it said.

“Community input will be sought through various methods, including targeted stakeholder workshops, online tools (via YourSay), through engagement events and activations.”

The Authority said it was committed to creating the park with the involvement of the Canberra community and stakeholders, and that their feedback would be used to shape and refine the design of the park

It said the current phase of the project, Phase One, would use community input on issues and opportunities to inform initial designs for the park.

“The community will then have the opportunity to provide additional feedback on designs in Phases Two and Three later in 2022,” it said.

The Authority encouraged Canberrans to sign up to its YourSay eNewsletter to be notified about when engagement opportunities opened.

“We invite you to subscribe for notifications to continue your involvement as the project progresses,” it said.

Interested people can sign up for engagement notifications at this PS News link.

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