27 September 2023

Acronym agony!

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Opening with a word of wisdom from Western Australia this week where a major breakthrough was achieved in the world of words with a uniquely new level of acronymical cleverness unveiled in an example which just might be the first-ever enstranglement in the English speaking world!

Announcing that the Government had helped fund the WA oyster industry by building a new infrastructure device to help it feed and grow shellfish, the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development introduced the innovative new nursery as a FLUPSY!

“A sea-based floating nursery called a FLUPSY has been installed,” the Department declared, “to help boost shellfish aquaculture production in the region.”

But then came the acronymical bombshell.

“The FLUPSY is a FLoating UPweller SYstem” the department confessed. Poor Mr Acronym must have spun in his grave.

If first and second letters are to be used as the new apparel for acronyms, perhaps it would be appropriate to give its unique offspring a new name.

‘Acrostutternym’ springs to PS-sssst’s mind.

Any other ideas?

Popular PS-sssst! Pack s of Paraphernalia as prizes for the best suggestions. Share your thoughts by sending them to [email protected]

Not Alert: We need fewer lerts

Announcing PS News’s first ever ‘Alert Subscriber Award’ now, won by Pammie S of the federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment for showing true dedication and commitment to her favourite online PS newspaper, PS News.

Faced with an unordered and unwanted email from PSNews impersonator ‘PS Alerts’ Pammie wrote in asking where her news had gone.

“I receive PS Alerts info but it seems I don’t get PSNews” Pammie complained.

“Can I update my status?”

Learning that the copier PS Alerts is not the original PS News or its PSNews Alerts, Pammie took matters into her own hands.

“I unsubscribed!,’ she declared happily.

So for anyone like Pammie unsure of who’s who, our online newspaper ‘PS News’ created its Alerts more than 10 years ago as an added service to PS News readers.

The newly-arrived competition didn’t!

If, like Pammie, you enjoy your news in PSNews, you can support it by being alert yourself.

Note: PS Alert is not PSNews Alert!

Congratulations however are in order for our first ever Alert Subscriber Award winner.

Who’s going to be next?

Angels’ number up

On a brighter front, the sharp-eyed amongst us will have noticed that last week’s PS News was edition no. 777, also known in some psychological quarters as the “Angel Number”.

According to the learned online publication Psych News Daily, the “777 angel number is a very special number indeed”.

“It’s a sign,” the newspaper declares, “that the universe is with you and is supporting you on your spiritual path”.

“It also means that you are wise, and have been given messages in your life to help others in their own life challenges.”

How encouraging!

If there’s one thing PS-sssst! can’t stand it’s when the universe is against us. That could spoil a whole day!

Giving it away!

To Rama Gaind’s gracious giveaway now where two lucky readers graciously receive gratis gifts just by answering one of Rama’s good-hearted quiz questions and being the first to escape PS-sssst!’s infamous ‘Barrel of Booty’.

This week, two contestants stand to win copies of the epic story of love, loss and belonging Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray by Anna Heiss simply by naming the book’s ‘lucky one’ who survives the Murrumbidgee River flood through Gundagai, leaving death and destruction in its wake.

The answer is Wagadhaany and the winners are Kasandra K from the national Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, and Heath J from the Services Australia.

Congratulations to Kasandra and Heath and many thanks to all who took part. The prizes will be on their way to their new owners shortly.

For another chance to relieve Rama of a freebie and become famous into the bargain simply visit her review of the DVD East of the Mountains at this PS News link and follow her instructions to enter winnertown and/or visit her review of the Book The One That Got Away: Travelling in the Time of Covid at this link to try your luck for a second time.

Rama’s generosity is free, it’s fun and you have to be in it to win it!

Laws laid down!

Finishing this week with a visit to the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing’s Philomena S who has been cruising the ‘HumourMena’, where she found ‘Laws to live by’, a collection of natural and other laws many of us have suffered from at one time or another.

Opening her account with the Law of Probability, Philomena lamented that the law we suffered was the probability that being watched was directly proportional to the stupidity of whatever act we were up to;

Secondly, she announced the Law of Coffee which made sure that ‘As soon as we sit down to a cup of hot coffee, our boss will ask us to do something which will last until the coffee is cold’; and

Thirdly, Philomena’s Law of the Bath dictates that just as our body is fully immersed in water, the phone will ring.

Thanks Philomena!

Nothing like a bright and fun-filled Law to give us a fun-filled day!

‘Til next week…

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Send to [email protected]

(And, yes, it can be anonymous!)

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