The first stage of the suburb named for former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam is now open to the public.
The area is set to be home for 2,100 families and features views along the Molonglo valley, natural landscape including Deep Creek, Kama Nature Reserve and natural ridges as well as an urban design to maximise passive solar and minimise energy consumption.
Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, Yvette Berry said over 2,300 trees were to be planted in stage one of the suburb —2,000 already have been – with more to be planted as the following stages of the suburb are developed.
Ms Berry said Whitlam would also include a local public primary school and shopping centre, multiple parks, as well as a Whitlam Mingle program to help connect the residents.
“The theme of Whitlam is ‘arts and culture’,” Ms Berry said.
“In line with this, each street is named for people who contributed to Australian culture, one of which being Hazel Hawke AO, first wife of Bob Hawke the 23rd Prime Minister of Australia, for her notable public service and social justice work.”
Ms Berry said the first housing blocks in Whitlam went on sale in May this year with all 80 blocks sold within a week of release.
“The second public release took place this month with a total of 250 blocks released and sold to future Whitlam residents, with the third release expected early 2021.”
Ms Berry said that as the suburb grows, it will continue a commitment to environmentally sustainable development, and offering a range of block sizes and housing choices.
“The ACT Government, through the Suburban Land Agency is offering a $10,000 rebate for home buyers to install 5 kilowatt solar PV systems, electric vehicle charge points in their carport or garage, energy monitoring system and highly efficient electric appliances,” she said.
“This initiative supports home buyers to live sustainably but importantly supports them to lower their living costs.”