26 September 2023

Youth Week takes over ACT

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Canberra is celebrating the diverse ways young people are shaping the city with Youth Week events taking place across the region.

Kicking off Youth Week which is on now and ends 24 April, the Minister for Youth Affairs, Yvette Berry said the Week was an opportunity to celebrate and highlight the positive contributions that young Canberrans made to lives of their peers and the broader ACT community.

“Today, I would like to thank all Young Canberrans and acknowledge the many diverse ways you are shaping our city,” Ms Berry said.

“Your voices and perspectives are key to not only addressing the issues that affect you and your peers, but also those that matter to the broader Canberra community such as the current cost of living crisis,” she said.

“I encourage you to get involved in one of the many events across our region during Youth Week and reflect on the role you can continue to shape a bright future for our great city.”

Ms Berry said the Territory was supporting a number of diverse accessible and free events for young people to attend and come together during Youth Week including Sunset festival with free food and entertainment; Free mindfulness event at the National Gallery of Australia; Youth Ping Pong tournament; and Free screenings of the super Mario Bros Movie in Belconnen and Tuggeranong.

“Youth Week is also an important time to celebrate the innovative ways young people are making a difference to the lives of their peers in the ACT,” the Minister for Youth Affairs said.

“I am proud the ACT Government is financially supporting young people in this area through our grants program,” Ms Berry said.

The full list of Youth Week events can be accessed at this PS News link.

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