26 September 2023

Well-run Agencies manage data better: PROV

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Government Agencies with sufficient resources achieved higher maturity scores in their information and data management than those without, according to a report from Public Record Office Victoria (PROV).

Releasing its Information Management Maturity Assessment Program (IMMAP) 2021-22 PROV said IMMAP required Departments and key Agencies to undertake a survey assessment of their information management practices.

It said 11 organisations participated in the latest round of the program, each addressing 17 questions regarding information and data management maturity which spanned the four dimensions of people, organisation, information lifecycle and quality, and business systems and processes.

“IMMAP results appear to be in tune with a four-year cycle, which suggests they are aligned with implementation cycles for information and data management and associated corporate plans and strategies,” PROV said.

“High scores in this round were achieved by organisations who were sufficiently resourced, had visible information and data management specialists engaged across the organisation, had active implementation programs, and who were aware of their gaps and strengths through strong compliance monitoring programs,” it said.

“Lower scores were held by organisations with little or no government committees or structures, ad hoc reactive implementations with insufficient resources to undertake required work, lacked visibility, collaboration, and active engagement, and had no compliance or monitoring programs.”

PROV made three recommendations for the coordination of information management and data management; designing information and data management into new systems and processes; and sufficient and ongoing resources to be provided to enable information and data to be managed well, in line with legislative and regulatory requirements, and business needs.

The Public Record Office’s 114-page report can be accessed at this PS News link.

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