26 September 2023

Weather forecast comes with a warning

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The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning is urging Queenslanders to prepare for future disasters and severe weather.

The Department said support was available through the $2 million Get Ready Queensland Fund.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Steven Miles said Queensland experienced more disaster events than any other State.

“Queensland has been impacted by close to 90 disasters in the past decade and experience shows the better prepared a community is, the more quickly it recovers,” Dr Miles said.

Get Ready Queensland funding supports all 77 Local Governments and one town authority across the State to develop and deliver their own locally-led initiatives to target disaster preparation and awareness in their region.”

Ambassador for Get Ready Queensland, Johnathan Thurston said it was not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ the State would experience the next extreme weather event.

“We obviously cannot control the weather, however, we can always be better prepared,” Mr Thurston said.

“Proper preparation will not only help us as individuals get back on our feet, but also our communities,” he said.

“So please take the three steps: Prepare an emergency plan; pack an emergency kit; and make sure you are insured.”

Dr Miles said there were many great activities being carried out across the State as a result of the Fund.

“This year many of the activities receiving funding are focused on working with culturally and linguistically diverse groups or disability groups to ensure disaster messaging and awareness is appropriate for all Queenslanders,” he said.

“Over the years we have seen terrific Council initiatives that have made a significant impact in their communities, including disaster dashboards, bedding for evacuation centres, school visits and emergency evacuation planning for aged care residents,” Dr Miles said.

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