26 September 2023

WA Ombudsman checks talks in Pakistan

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West Australian Ombudsman, Chris Field has returned from visiting Pakistan in his capacity as President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOU).

In Karachi, Mr Field had a working lunch with the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan and President of the Asian Ombudsman Association, Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi.

He said their discussions ranged over the possibility of greater collaboration between the IOI and the Ombudsman Institutions of Pakistan, as well as engagement with the Asian Ombudsman’s organisation.

“Upon being elected IOU President, I made a very clear commitment that I would promote the importance and significance of the regions, and I would do so in part by coming to the great countries of the Asian Region,” Mr Field said.

He also met the Bishop of Karachi and Baluchistan Diocese, the Right Reverend Frederick John, at an afternoon tea function (pictured) and was given a tour of Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Mr Field also toured the Mohatta Palace Museum, once the summer home of a Hindu Marwari businessman, viewing the cultural treasures now housed there.

“To the people of the Sindh Province who have shown me the most overwhelming level of hospitality and kindness, my gratitude cannot be expressed remotely adequately,” Mr Field said.

“I want to thank my hosts and wish them well in their future endeavours.”

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