Victorian Public Service staff of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin are to have access to shared learning experiences and networking in a culturally safe environment with the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) relaunching Regional Staff Network events.
Announcing the return of face-to-face events, the Commission said the revised Regional Staff Network program was a Barring Djinang initiative.
“Upcoming workshops have been scheduled across the five regions in Victoria, including Hume, Gippsland, Grampians, Loddon Mallee and Barwon South West,” VPSC said.
“You’ll learn cultural safety strategies and tools that you can take into any workplace to enhance cultural safety,” it said.
“If you are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, don’t miss this opportunity to connect with colleagues in your region.”
VPSC said the long-term goal of the Regional Staff Network program was to develop a whole-of-sector network run by regional Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff, that encouraged connection and collaboration across the State.
“In these free workshops you’ll learn cultural safety strategies to help in your work and daily life,” the Commission said.
“You will be taught about tools that you can take into any workplace to enhance cultural safety.”
It said the workshops would run from 10am until 2.30pm and include a yarning circle so participants could debrief, network, “or just have a yarn”.
VPSC said numbers for the free June, July and August workshops were limited and bookings were essential.
Further information on the Regional Staff Network workshops can be accessed at this PS News link.