26 September 2023

VPSC opens graduate program

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The Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) is calling for applications for the 2024 Victorian Government graduate program.

Opening applications, VPSC said the program was a year-long opportunity to experience the Victorian Public Service, grow potential and gain new skills.

“We want Victoria to be innovative and progressive,” the Commission said.

“So we’re on the lookout for people with a range of skills, backgrounds and lived experiences,” it said.

“Our graduate program has streams tailored to what you studied at university.

“Plus, we’ve got pathways you can opt into if you’re an applicant with disability or identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.”

VPSC said graduates would have the chance to experience diverse roles; work in several Departments; access learning and development opportunities; learn and grow with mentors and peer networks; and be guaranteed a job at the end of the program.

It said the program included up to three rotations into different Departments over 12 months.

The Commission said graduates in the program made long-lasting connections with fellow graduates and mentors, while working with high-performing leaders and team members on projects that benefitted the people of Victoria.

“We’re less interested in your grade point average and more interested in who you are,” it said.

“We want people who are creative, curious, have a drive to learn and live our shared values of integrity, respect and human rights.”

It said the State’s strength was in its diversity of backgrounds and lived experience and the Commission was seeking graduates who reflected the community they served.

VPSC said applications were open until 18 April to recent graduates, or those about to graduate, with a Bachelor’s degree or a minimum of level 7 on the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Further information on the graduate program can be accessed at this PS News link.

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