The Minister for Sport and recreation has announced the timing of return to non-contact and contact sport competition with non-contact sports already given the go-ahead.
The Minister, Yvette Berry said the Territory would return to full contact sport on July 10, continuing a phased return to community sport and following the careful easing of restrictions for informal sports that commenced four weeks ago.
“Both outdoor and indoor activities will see a return to competition, with some continued limitations on group numbers, contact and physical distancing,” Ms Berry said.
“Training for full contact sports can return very soon but competition play will need to wait for a little while longer,” she said.
Ms Berry said that last Friday (19 June) non-contact sports could recommence competition play; up to 100 people, indoors or outdoors, with one person per four square metres, could participate; and sports requiring full contact were permitted to start full contact training.
She said full contact sport was any sport that allowed non-incidental contact within its code.
“For example, netball rules do not allow for contact other than incidental contact, so it is a non-contact sport, where basketball and rugby league do allow for contact, so it is a full contact sport.”
Ms Berry said many of the larger contact sports had already begun planning for competitions to recommence from mid-July and some sporting organisations may have already been in contact with their members with indicative start dates.
“I encourage community members to get in touch with their sport clubs to be clear on their planned return dates,” the Minister said.