Photo: Wendy Pyper
The wonders, fascination and mystery of Antarctica have been brought to life in a 360-degree Virtual Reality (VR) documentary created at Australia’s Davis Research Station as part of the Australian Antarctic Media Program.
The film was shot by White Spark Pictures in February and had its world premiere at the WA Maritime Museum in Fremantle.
Leader and Operations Manager at Davis Station, Robb Clifton said the film, viewed through VR headsets, took people to a place few would ever visit in reality.
“For those of us lucky enough to work in the Australian Antarctic Program it’s difficult to convey what life is really like on the ice,” Mr Clifton said.
“On your walk to work, you might pass a sleeping mass of elephant seals in their wallow, or penguins busy at work collecting rocks to make a nest.”
He said the film transported viewers there as an Australian Antarctic expeditioner, experiencing one of the most extraordinary places on the planet.
“Through the documentary, scientists explain their research studying the ice, oceans and ecosystems of Antarctica to improve the world’s understanding of past climate and what might happen in the future,” Mr Clifton said.
“It also explores life for the 100 expeditioners living and working at Davis Station over the summer period.”
He said the film camera crew travelled to Davis Station, about 5,000 kilometres south of Hobart, Tasmania.
The Antarctica Experience is supported by the Western Australian Museum, Screenwest, Lotterywest, Dneg and Screen Australia and will be screened at the WA Museum until 14 October after which it will tour Australia before heading overseas.