26 September 2023

Victorians urged to ‘Get Active Week’

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Victorians are being encouraged to go moving for Get Active Week this week (5-11 September) and complete 30 minutes of exercise every day.

Kicking off the Week, Minister for Community Sport, Ros Spence encouraged people to add up all the times they were active in a day to achieve the 30-minute goal.

“Research shows 39 per cent of Victorians believe they should be doing 30 minutes of activity all in one go and don’t think it counts when split into smaller increments and spread across the day,” Ms Spence said.

“From taking a quick walk in a lunch break, riding with the kids to school and playing with your pets, every little bit counts,” she said.

“We know physical activity is important for our overall health and this week is all about making it easier for people to find ways to exercise – particularly if they are time poor or struggling with an injury.”

Ms Spence said the Week was a great opportunity for Victorians to rethink how they could get their daily activity in ways that better suited them.

She said to help Victorians get moving, the Get Active Week website was providing how-to videos, activity plans and expert advice to make it easier for Victorians to get their 30 minutes.

The Get Active Week website can be accessed at this PS News link.

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