26 September 2023

Victorians readied for Human Rights Week

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The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) is gearing up for Human Rights Week next month (2 to 9 December) by calling on Victorians to engage in activities and start conversations about human rights.

Delivering the call, VEOHRC said that building on last year’s theme to ‘make rights real’, is this year’s theme, Rights in action.

The Commission invited people to participate in the Week by taking a pledge, taking part in daily actions to challenge their knowledge of human rights and implementing this knowledge in a practical way.

“Each day, participants will receive a daily action (and some additional actions) to set off a series of activities that all Victorians can join,” the Commission said.

“During the Week, pledgers will take part in these daily actions to challenge their knowledge of human rights and implement this knowledge in a practical way,” it said.

“We hope these actions will lead to conversations about rights and empower Victorians to advocate for themselves and others beyond #HRWVic2022.”

VEOHRC said it was asking people to consider human rights in their interactions in everyday life, have conversations about human rights, put their knowledge into practice and help build a society where rights were valued and respected.

Further information on the upcoming Human Rights Week, including a calendar of events, can be accessed at this PS News link.

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