Check out the latest public sector networking and education events. Photo: Supplied.
Writing with Clarity & Impact for Government Seminar
Date: 13 August, 2024
Time: 9 am – 1 pm
Location: Online
Email: [email protected]
Do you want to become a more skilful and confident writer at work? The importance of writing well cannot be overstated. Words, and how we arrange and use them, affect how our audience ‘’hears’’ and ‘’perceives’’ us.
Effective writing conveys your message or information with 100 per cent clarity to your audience. In good writing, everything makes sense and readers don’t get lost. Crafting effective writing requires regular, deliberate practice. Attending this seminar will set you up for success with your writing and readability skills.
Facilitator Megan Hender is an experienced non-executive director with a strong interest in strategy, governance, risk and communication. She serves on several boards and committees, including as chairperson.
Megan’s experience working with and for the government gives her the practical insight required to teach you to write in a way that will allow well-informed decision-making and provide better-quality information to decision-makers.
In 2010 she was elected as a councillor at the City of Adelaide, where she served two terms, including 18 months as deputy lord mayor.
A lawyer by training, Megan has worked as a solicitor, a university lecturer, a general manager, and a chief executive officer. Since 2002 she has run her own management consulting business, working with various public and private sector organisations.
QLD Government Professional Writing Essentials
Date: 13 August, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Cliftons Brisbane
24/288 Edward St, Brisbane City, QLD
Email: [email protected]
Good writing is the memo that gets action, the letter that says what a phone call cannot – we show you how to write for impact. This program focuses on writing clearly and concisely using plain English to ensure that communication of complex ideas is efficient and effective.
Transform your writing skills – a high-impact toolkit for lasting success.
- Make your written communication more impactful and engaging
- Write with confidence and build skills to write clearly and concisely
- Understand common writing mistakes and how to avoid them
- Plan and tailor your writing to your audience.
Speaker Adrian Cropley is a certified strategic communication management professional and past global chair of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).
Widely recognised as one of the world’s foremost experts in strategic communication, he is the founder of the Centre for Strategic Communication Excellence and CEO at Cropley Communication.
With a career spanning more than 30 years, Adrian has worked with clients all over the world on major change communication initiatives, internal communication reviews and strategies, professional development programs, and executive leadership and coaching. He is currently board adviser for IABC in Victoria, and is on the international fellow selection committee and the RMIT University advisory board for the PR degree. He was named a Fellow of the IABC in 2020.
Writing with Clarity & Impact for Government Seminar
Date: 13 August, 2024
Time: All day
Location: Online
Email: [email protected]
Do you want to become a more skilful and confident writer at work? The importance of writing well cannot be overstated. Words, and how we arrange and use them, affect how our audience ‘’hears’’ and ‘’perceives’’ us.
Effective writing conveys your message or information with 100 per cent clarity to your audience. In good writing, everything makes sense and readers don’t get lost. Crafting effective writing requires regular, deliberate practice. Attending this seminar will set you up for success with your writing and readability skills.
Facilitator Megan Hender is an experienced non-executive director with a strong interest in strategy, governance, risk, and communication. She serves on several boards and committees, including as chairperson.
Megan’s experience working with and for the government gives her the practical insight required to teach you to write in a way that will allow well-informed decision-making and provide better-quality information to decision-makers.
This is an ideal course for professionals who seek to:
- Develop and strengthen their writing for the public sector environment.
- Write simply, clearly, and effectively at work
- Understand the function of words, phrases, clauses, and grammar.
- Deliver better-quality information to decision-makers through clear writing.
- Better advise staff or team members on how to improve written communication.
- Improve the clarity and impact of their current writing.
- Improve the readability and comprehension of their writing.
You can learn how to:
- Understand the function of words, phrases, and clauses.
- Use plain language that is accessible and readable.
- Understand how formatting impacts the reader experience.
- Correctly use the punctuation mark.
- Avoid common grammatical errors.
- Write with consistency and by conventions.
- Confidently proofread and edit documents.
Building and Leading High-Performing Teams
Date: 13 August, 2024
Time: 10 am – 4:30 pm
Duration: One 6.5-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This course helps managers create and maintain high-performing teams whereby work is aligned with government priorities. Learn how to analyse and describe high-performing teams, identify the enablers and barriers, and explain the management practices required.
Examine team strengths and areas for improvement and plan pathways to build a high-performance culture in the workplace. Benefit from meeting and sharing thoughts, experiences and ideas about building and leading high-performing teams with other managers.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for APS 6 – EL 1.
Strategic Leadership
Date: 13 – 14 August, 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Duration: Two seven-hour face-to-face sessions
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Take an in-depth look at shaping strategy with a sense of purpose and direction, using information and opportunities, and showing judgment and common sense.
Use environmental scanning and best-practice models and tools to help anticipate the consequences and trade-offs of actions.
This content has been provided by a third party in consultation with the APS Academy. The training is suitable for EL 1 – EL 2.
Influence, Negotiation and Persuasion for Executive Levels
Date: 14 August, 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Duration: One seven-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This course examines aspects of influence and persuasion and the negotiation skills essential for managing and leading at the executive level.
Aspects of leadership and influence and the psychology of persuasion are explored. Work through areas where influence benefits work: for example, communicating with influence, influencing strategy, negotiation styles and how to apply them.
This content has been provided by a third party in consultation with the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for EL 1 – EL 2.
Presentation Skills Workshop
Date: 14 August, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Online
Email: [email protected]
Each time you step into the spotlight, you have the opportunity to leave a lasting mark on your audience, either for better or worse.
Join us for the Presentation Skills Workshop dedicated to enhancing your prowess in public speaking and presentation. Here, you will gain a measurable and immediate improvement in your delivery style.
Practical tips, tools, and strategies to plan, deliver, and review articulated and competent presentations.
- Develop strategies to create engaging and compelling messages.
- Customise your message and delivery for different interfaces and audiences.
- Present with confidence, clarity and conviction for a lasting impression that empowers your audience.
- Harness your nerves to improve your presentations, pitches and public communication.
Speaker Mark Hill is a dynamic educator and communication coach with extensive experience across various educational settings.
With an honours degree in performance studies and a master’s in applied linguistics, he has presented at Oxford University and taught more than 3000 international students who live at Bondi Beach.
Formerly teaching his own speaking and pronunciation course in Sydney, Mark now focuses on corporate communication training, particularly in public speaking. His dedication to effective communication and a track record spanning more than a decade establish him as a prominent figure in education and coaching.
How to Apply for Jobs in the APS – APS Levels
Date: 14 August, 2024
Time: 10 am – 4 pm
Duration: One six-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This program focuses on the job application process. Practical exercises help participants write applications and perform well in selection activities and interviews.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for APS 1 – APS 6.
Alumni Connect – Co-Coaching Circles
Date: 14 August, 2024
Time: 3 pm – 5 pm
Duration: One two-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Co-Coaching Circles are an opportunity for participants to connect and continue to develop with their APS peers through real-world application of their coaching skills in reciprocal coaching ‘’circles’’.
These sessions are designed for professionals who have engaged with APS Academy programs that contain elements of coaching such as ‘’Coaching and Developing Others’’ and the ”EL2 Leadership Program” courses. Participants will briefly recap the core principles of coaching and the GROW model, then engage in active application of their coaching skills.
These sessions are confidential, so participants can explore these issues in a judgment-free, supportive environment with a continuous growth lens.
Each participant will have the opportunity to act as a coach, receive coaching and act as an observer, providing an opportunity for a 360-degree experience of a coaching event. Participants should bring a problem to be coached on.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy. The training is suitable for participants who have completed ”Coaching and Developing Others”, ”EL2 Leadership Program – external site” or other coaching courses.
Administrative Decision-Making
Date: 15 August, 2024
Time: 10 am – 12:30 pm
Duration: One 2.5-hour face-to-screen session
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Making good administrative decisions that are consistent with legal and policy frameworks is an essential skill.
Examine legal authorities that make decisions and the responsibilities of administrative decision-makers. Work through case studies and scenarios to identify, interpret and apply legislation in making decisions and examine how decisions can be reviewed.
This content has been provided by the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for APS 1 – EL 2.
Leading Hybrid Teams – EL Levels
Date: 15 – 22 August, 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 1 pm
Duration: Two 3.5-hour face-to-screen sessions
Location: Australia-wide
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
This course will assist APS leaders at all levels to develop the skills and techniques to build an effective and productive hybrid team working environment.
In particular, this program will equip APS leaders with knowledge and frameworks to overcome the challenges and make the most of the opportunities associated with leading hybrid teams in an APS context, and to make flexible working decisions in line with the intent of the APS Flexible Work Principles.
This content has been developed by a third party in consultation with the APS Academy. The training is in a virtual environment suitable for EL 1 – EL 2.
Appearing Before Parliamentary Committees
Date: 16 August, 2024
Time: 10 am – 2 pm
Duration: One four-hour face-to-face session
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Email: https://apslearn.apsacademy.gov.au/user_login
Do you need to appear before a parliamentary committee in your current role? Do you provide support to someone who does this? Learn about the committee system and the role you have to provide honest and accurate testimony.
Appearing Before Parliamentary Committees takes an in-depth look at parliamentary committees that scrutinise decisions and the information flow between the APS, the parliament and the public.
This program will help you to prepare effectively and communicate information clearly. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a simulation of the committee process to crystalise your knowledge.
This content has been provided by a third party in consultation with the APS Academy. The training is suitable for EL 2 – SES 3.
Partnerships in First Nations Policy and Programs
Date: 16 – 17 August, 2024
Time: All day
Location: Sydney Boulevard Hotel
90 William St, Sydney, NSW
Email: [email protected]
Overview: Closing the Gap through solutions driven by First Nations leadership, knowledge and systems.
The Productivity Commission’s first review of progress on the National Agreement on Closing the Gap revealed governments have largely not fulfilled their commitments under the agreement. The time to take important action is now.
When the knowledge and solutions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are embedded in the policy and programs that directly impact them, better outcomes are achieved.
The Partnerships in First Nations Policy and Programs Conference uniquely brings together leaders from government and the community-controlled sector in a united forum to unpack the critical action needed for progress in Closing the Gap.
With a focus on genuine partnership-building, shared decision-making and increasing the capacity of the community-controlled sector, this forum will showcase examples of meaningful partnerships and ways forward for First Nations communities to self-determine the pathways to achieve better outcomes.