26 September 2023

UKRAINE: Workers ‘steadfast’ in time of war

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The Deputy Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament has praised the country’s Public Servants for continuing to fulfil their oath of service to the people in the face of difficult times.

Speaking at the Richelieu Public Service Forum held in Kyiv, Oleksandr Korniyenko said despite shelling, the deaths of many colleagues, remote work, and constant air raids, “our system of governance has shown its steadfastness, stability and withstood the test of war”.

“We see it from the inside, our international partners also note it,” Mr Korniyenko (pictured) said.

“Parliament is taking all possible steps to support the Public Service and public governance,” he said

“We have already adopted legislation to support Government workers in times of war.”

Mr Korniyenko said this included compensation for families, and honouring those who had died while performing official duties.

“In addition, no matter how difficult the next year might be in economic or financial terms, the Civil Service has its own global tasks, in particular, the implementation of reforms that have been planned for a long time,” the Deputy Speaker said.

“We have a new big task that has come to the fore — European integration and harmonisation at all levels of our legislation, its implementation and application practices.”

He said the nation’s progress to European integration required changes, not only at the State level, but at the level of each individual employee.

“European integration begins with oneself. Approaching the standards of a European employee begins with each individual, Department, body, or Ministry,” Mr Korniyenko.

“We will do it.”

Kyiv, 28 September 2022

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