26 September 2023

UKRAINE: Bureaucracy ‘resilient in face of invasion’

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Despite Ukraine being on a war footing, the Council of Europe’s Centre of Expertise for Good Governance (CEGG) has held its annual forum dedicated to enhancing public services in Kyiv.

In an opening statement, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine,

Steen Norlov said the Ukrainian system of public administration had demonstrated resilience in the extremely difficult conditions stemming from Russia’s fully-fledged invasion since late February.

He emphasised that investment in the modernisation of the Ukrainian Public Service was an investment in the country’s future.

“Good democratic governance is one of the core values for the Council of Europe and the Organisation supports its national partners in Ukraine in improving the legal framework and practices in this area,” Mr Norlov (pictured) said.

“The Council of Europe will continue standing with Ukraine.”

Local consultant of the Council of Europe, Olena Boiko presented the recent legal opinion of the draft law on the Public Service prepared by the CEGG.

“The adoption of this draft law will lead to improvements compared to the current situation,” Ms Boiko said.

“However, several areas of concern remain, and further action should be considered.”

She also provided an overview of the CEGG’s assistance to Ukraine and the implementation of its recently updated toolkit on Human Resources Management.

“The CEGG has also prepared a roadmap for Government recovery from the consequences of this war,” Ms Boiko said.

Kyiv, 26 September 2022

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