26 September 2023

Tracer teams to chase down virus

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The Department of Health and Human Services is to establish new rapid response units in its public health team to react to outbreaks and other COVID-19 problems that might arise as restrictions are lifted.

Announcing the new units, Minister for Health, Jenny Mikakos said $20 million had been allocated to setting them up and they would be staffed by public health specialists and clinicians.

She said the umits would respond to COVID outbreaks and take the necessary steps to prevent them taking hold.

“As we ease restrictions, there will be further positive coronavirus cases, and possible outbreaks,” Ms Mikakos said.

She said they would ensure appropriate testing, contact tracing and deep cleaning were carried out as soon as a cluster was identified.

“The squads will also make proactive visits to high risk facilities, businesses and industries, and work with local services on infection control and prevention, while also stepping in to quickly manage any high-risk cases should they occur,” she said.

“In addition to the new rapid response squads, mobile testing units will continue to operate and will be quickly deployed to communities that show a spike in cases.”

Ms Mikakos said the funding also included $8 million for research institutes working to better understand transmission, immunity and the long-term health impacts of COVID-19.

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